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电话: 852-21366198
传真: 852-21366363
姓名: poman chung
J@ international limited

  始於2000成立, 原名為 JACKY COMMUNICATION, 早期業務主要針對銷售二手手機及十四天維修手機。 於2009年正式改名為J2 INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, 業務方向轉為批發/分銷全新原廠手機。 長期合作伙伴: 歐洲 - T-Mobile, Vodafone, O2, 3G, Tesco, Phone 4U, Car Phone. 美國 - AT & T, T-Mobile 澳洲 - Telstra 泰國 - Dtac 出售品牌: Apple , HTC , Samsung , Motorola , BlackBerry, Nokia ......

主要产品/业务: We are J2 International Limited is in the Mobiles businesss of Wholesales, Importer, *域名隐藏* as:ipad/ipod/iphone/ HTC / Samsung / Blackberry...etc We've been around since 2000, and we serve customers in : Eastern Europe, Western Europe, No

J@ international limited / 香港 / Unit G,18/F,Gemstar Tower,23 Man Lok Street,Hung Hom,Kowloon,HK (+852) / 电话:852-21366198

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